Correct contraception

Correct contraception
 Contraception or protection against unwanted pregnancy should be the rule for those who do not plan to have children. There are several methods and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
 Planning to become pregnant - is not only a problem of women, but also her partner, because the responsibility of both equally. If you use the old-fashioned way - coitus interruptus, it turns out that it all depends on men. But first, they can not always control himself at the crucial moment. And secondly - part of the seminal fluid gets into the vagina until the male orgasm, and it may be sufficient to fertilize an egg. Besides, this method is not suitable for those with multiple partners due to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, this method is more related to the category of experimental.

Some couples use the principle of "safe days". Ie with a stable menstrual 28 day cycle for a week to a month and the same period after fertilization are theoretically impossible, since ovulation accounts for the remaining days. But the female body, or more precisely - hormonal regulation of oocyte maturation is so delicate mechanism that any external intervention can shift schedule and make their own adjustments. The reason for this may be stress, alcohol or drugs, colds and many other factors, of which a woman can not even guess. Therefore, this method also can not be classified as regular contraception.

Almost 100% guarantee is to use a condom. This method is ideal for non-permanent connections, as not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections. The only prerequisite is the correct sizing to avoid rupture of the product.

In the same reliable way is hormonal drugs. Under their action suppresses ovulation and conception with proper selection and supplementation becomes impossible. Like all medicines, oral contraceptives have their contraindications. Therefore, they should be appointed by the doctor after a preliminary examination. However, we must remember that from sexually transmitted infections, they will not protect.

Hormones suppressing ovulation can take not only in tablet form. There vaginal rings and patches, hormonal reliably prevent pregnancy (but not against infection). Ensuring smooth flow of the drug into the body, they only require periodic replacement and nothing else. However, not all women are suitable, ie. A. Some can cause digestive disorders.

Modern IUDs are also made with hormone "stuffing". Helix has a constant mechanical action on the uterine muscles, creating impossible conditions for implantation of a fertilized egg. And hormones provide anovulatory menstrual cycle. Complications such as loss or perforation of the uterine wall in the spirals of the latest generation almost never occur. The only drawback of this method of contraception is an increased risk of infection of the uterus, t. To. Protruding from the cervical canal "whiskers" can be conductors of infectious agents. Therefore, this method is suitable only for women with one sexual partner and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Tags: pregnancy planning