There are options when incorrigible favorite "sweet tooth", but then you'll definitely see it and only you can decide whether such relationship. More common situation where cheating is not a state, but an isolated case, and you suddenly find out about this.
Scandals, tantrums, the flow of charges - this is only glow already uncomfortable atmosphere in the house. The result just might be a caring man who will not long tolerate such a situation. If you have kids, the scandals in principle not allowed. You - adults, anyway, will understand each other. And for the child it can be a deep psychological trauma for life. All that you can afford in an open manifestation of reproach, - silent reproach in his eyes and silent tears when you stay together.
Imagine life without that person. Weigh the pros and cons. Each has its own system of values, and general advice here can not be. But if you realize that you want to continue living together, you have to work on.
Calm down and analyze your relationship. It is possible that you have pushed their behavior to partner infidelity. May be lost harmony, man feels mental or sexual discomfort, there is reason for the manifestation of an inferiority complex. No wonder, then, that he is looking for warmth and understanding others' arms.
Look at yourself from the outside. Do not you run your appearance and your inner world, lost in the everyday routine. If you see that there are your flaws, then try to make a difference. Take care of yourself and your relationships.
Of course, it is unlikely you will be able to take everything calmly. Emotions need to vent. Can cry, swear, beat a pillow, scream - but do it without an audience. Highly undesirable to share with someone, especially with her mother. And a close friend is unlikely to help. Help herself.
Surprise your partner. Get wisdom, patience. Time is on your side. Wait until the resolution of the situation, because it is infinite will not last. A decision on how to live and live there with a man on, better to take when passion poutihnut.