One of the most common female bad habits - constantly recall the past, to compare how it was before and as it is now. Women cherish early photographs, constantly sighing about how beautiful bouquets touted beloved once. Very well they remember resentment, sharp phrases. What the man said in the heat of an argument, and long forgotten, she will remember for a long time.
Throw as old clothes out of the closet, exhausted themselves moments, let into your life new. Throw away all negative feelings and realize that life goes on and changing and there is always room for new joyful events.
Another bad habit - to rush things. I would like to have everything quickly and immediately. Already on the first date with a man she thinks, is it worth it, and how this will end. That is why many so easily fall for the promises of men who were not destined to come true. And, oddly enough, once a woman decides that she met her only plans to further life and number of children - lover mysteriously disappears.
Leave himself and his handpicked scope for action. Are in a state of incomplete expectations and dashed hopes.
In addition, your lover may be not the fairy-tale prince, who drew your imagination.
Another female habit - wishful thinking. Women's fantasy can change reality beyond recognition. "Rose-colored glasses" can turn any man into a handsome, clever and rich.
Try it to face reality. You will avoid many disappointments, and your partner will not be constantly blame for the fact that he is not who you want to see it.
Two more bad habits - resent and criticize, are inextricably linked with each other.
Offended woman can. At all. Silent, pouts. I understand nothing man apologizes and tries to atone for sins. And at this moment begins. I recall all that was and what was not. Criticizes everything - from socks to night snoring. Come up with more and more mistakes.
Learn to forgive. Rather than raise a stink, say a kind word, which is intended to bring the offender to think more so do not do that. It is unlikely that you yourself will experience warm feelings for the man who constantly tells you your mistakes.
Do not go on about their bad habits. Look at ourselves and start to live, finally, quietly.