How to learn to understand a loved one

How to learn to understand a loved one
 When lovers are just beginning to meet, they feel that they are thoroughly studied and understood each other perfectly. But time passes, the relationship stronger, and understanding is not increased. On the contrary, it seems the more we know a loved one, the less we understand it.
 In the beginning of a relationship, each trying to show himself much better than it really is. Girls trying to impress a young man his clothes, well-groomed, a certain style. In addition, each trying to be friendly, affectionate, carefree. Men show their courage, show courage, intelligence, generosity and thoughtfulness.

But after the relationship grows into marriage, for some reason, some couples everything changes. Husband sees a not-old beauty Laughs and dark and eternally dissatisfied individuals with unkempt hair. And to his wife appears irresponsible and weak-willed man who, besides trying and shout at her. How did these changes occur?

The thing is that having achieved the conquest of a loved one, you will not have to try to be always on top. He's already yours and you can now relax. You can even require the husband's care and attention. And again he forgot to buy a loaf for dinner.

But before you sort things out and raise your voice, go to this problem on the other hand, look at everything through the eyes of a loved one. He that day there was an adverse situation at work: Abraham in the workplace, the urgent need to arriving at the site, the preparation of the report superiors. So he came home and harassed limp. And yet here you are with your dissatisfaction.

Instead of collecting the accumulated resentment, try to sit down and talk quietly. Ask what it so enraged. But keep in mind that men are not always willing to share their problems. If he says that there is nothing special, it is not necessary to press and hold the interrogation. It is better to ask for bread to go along, walk slowly together in the park, just shut up. He will feel your support and be grateful for it. Can invite him to a small cafe, where it plays relaxing music. The cozy atmosphere and the proximity of a loved one regain his balance, distract from problems. And perhaps he wants to share with you their problems. Listen carefully, but do not try to give a categorical assessments. You do not know all the pitfalls. Just go around platitudes, they say, do not worry, everything will be settled, and so on. D.

The main thing that a loved one to feel your care and attention, to know that you will always support. And you get close to an understanding of his psychology, his relationship problems.