How to find love or deception?

How to find love or deception?
 Love - the most light and strong feeling in the world. Those who have found their soul mate, can only envy. But no one gives no guarantee that your partner really loves you, and not pretending. Who knows, maybe you're just comfortable to him, that you hear in response to what you want, rather than what it actually is.

Very striking indication is what your partner is saying. For a man in love, there is only the object of his senses, and all former recedes into the background. If a person keeps referring to his former partner, he willingly and in positive tones talks about the previous relationship, then, most likely, he does not love you.

Extremely bad sign is a mandatory requirement of intimacy. If a person is the most important, most likely, he meets with you in order to satisfy their own needs. The worst, if he threatens to rupture of relations in case of failure. Loving people never do, because can not humiliate such a heinous way the object of his adoration.

Look closely at how partner treats you. Loving person always try to support you, to protect, to help, at least, to listen and sympathize. If a person always says that he is busy, no time, frankly bored when you're trying to tell him something important, it is an occasion guard.

See how much time he spends with you. Everyone is ready all the time possible to spend on a loved one. So if your partner only appears for intimate meetings and planned activities, and at other times to avoid you, then it is necessary to make conclusions. Of course, this option may be that he does not know what you want, and afraid to invite you, suddenly you do not like? In any case, try it for yourself to invite him somewhere: a walk in the park, suddenly go to the movies after work, sit somewhere. If in this case the object of your feelings will refuse, under various pretexts, it is very alarming.

Another indicator of serious feelings is acquainted with his parents and best friends. The man who is confident in his love, with joy and pride will introduce you to them. But Casual nobody lead to drink tea with her mother and will not be entered in your social circle.

Surely you get gifts from the heart of his friend. The most important thing - what are they? Classic candy and red roses, or something special? If you really love, then try to get to know you better and come up with something unusual. So if you've got an original gift, carefully selected for you, then most likely, the feelings are sincere giver.

Tags: love, feeling, deception, sincerity