Why men are afraid of self-confident women

Why men are afraid of self-confident women
 Modern life makes women rely only on themselves, to be self-reliant. How to perceive this man?

Since ancient times, man is the breadwinner and head of the family, women are relegated to the role of homemakers. In addition, there was a patriarchy, which means that all decisions were made by a man.

 Confident woman is successful, it does not need other people's advice. In relations with men she is leading. Often they can not stand the onslaught and go away. Against the background of a woman, they become insecure. Few men can get along with a strong woman, as they should be "stronger". With strong man woman feel like a woman. She can afford to be weak, forget about the problems, feel a stone wall.

 However, few strong men. Most males do not consider it necessary to take care, pay attention to the woman. They are looking weaker companions themselves. Thus, they assert themselves in their own eyes. It is much easier to look and be sure when a woman depends on the man. They follow the path of least resistance, rather than attempting to achieve something in life.

 Meeting on the way like a man, a woman must consider how necessary it is weak, failure to adapt to the life of the satellite.

Tags: man, SEB, a woman, no, desire, self-assertion