Want to know the man better? Talk to him about women

Want to know the man better? Talk to him about women
 If you like a man, but you know it is not enough, then the best way to get to know him and to predict its behavior with you, will talk with him about women. Of course, it should start with common phrases, and then casually move the subject to those that were there before you. Only this must be done so that he nothing suspicious and was able to open up, not wanting it.

Specialists in family relations say that a man does not change the scheme of building their relationships with women and always uses similar. If you can learn how to develop his vulgar passions, you can always predict the future and for your novel to him. Pay particular attention to neckolko moments.

Learn from him, that was the reason for breaking up with those who have gone before you. Not bad, if he will get off duty phrase about the dissimilarity of characters - he does not want to speak ill of a woman who met up to you. Worse, if he starts to accuse her of all serious: the hostess and she is bad, and frivolous and generally bitch. When all the sins are hung only on a woman, it means that no lessons for himself, he does not, so if your parting again, this will only blame you. If the cause of the break was his betrayal, here, too, there is reason to guard. Guarantee that it will be true this time, no.

On potential infidelity can alert you his story about the many sexual relationships. If he is not very picky about them, and you in his life can be present only for the collection. For such men are the most important thing is just sex, no other threads he was not interested. It is possible that such a utilitarian and unilateral approach to relationships make them initially unpromising.

Listen as he talks in general about women. If it contains disparaging talk about them or phrases he always assigns you a "feminine" the mind and logic, then too much should not expect such a derogatory attitude is extended to you. Plus for any man would be respectful not only to you but to all women as such.

And you, with your hand, do not dwell on their experiences with other men. If you really love each other, both consider that before you did not have one so much easier and start a relationship, and keep them.

Tags: man, character, woman, past relationship