How to tell the guy about the importance

How to tell the guy about the importance
 Phrases such as "we need to talk" or "I have a serious talk to you" are already able to scare the guy. They are best avoided, otherwise your words from the beginning can be perceived with hostility. But how did the guy say about the importance?
 Prepare yourself for a serious discussion and prepare a man. To report a guy exciting news, it is necessary first of all to calm down the most, think about the arguments to consider options for its mental reactions and responses. Think about what might happen in the worst case, and it's scary actually.

Do not start the conversation when men thought obviously busy with something else. It is unlikely that he will be able to adequately respond to your words at a time when fighting the orcs computer or watching the match on television. Plant speaks in a calm atmosphere, without tragedy and music hysteria in her voice.

Keep calm and control emotions. Notify guy, for example, pregnancy is not easy. But it is necessary to control myself, because if she "slips", starts screaming and blaming all the troubles of Man, he would give serious consideration whether or not to create a family with an unbalanced person, even if it was not up against such an option.

Men's thinking is logical and straightforward. Lengthy digression and hints can knock a guy with a sense. Only discuss this issue, without jumping to resentment of bygone years ("And you last year forgot about my birthday!"), Do not make categorical statements ("You never pay attention to me!"). You want to find a way out of this situation, and not frightened to hear excuses or provoke scandal. Clearly, clearly and calmly explain the situation, and then ask the opinion of a man about it.

Speak honestly - without nedogovorok, hints, deception, blackmail and intrigue. For example, if a girl borrowed a car and the guy parked badly, it is not necessary to invent a story about how she chased the bandits. Sincere recognition of extenuating not only in the courtroom, and a relationship built on trust, bring more joy.

Do not wait around too long. Of course, it is necessary to find a suitable time for a serious conversation. But do not torment yourself with endless doubts and do not delay important words "for later" again and again. If a guy really feels for you strong feelings, he did not run away from a serious discussion and will not be too hard if you are to blame.

Tags: man, talking, man