To learn how to talk to men, you must follow some rules. Articulates the subject. For example, women just love phrases like, "Honey, let's talk about our relationship." For a man, it sounds alarming, and it is unclear. Vaguely defined topics are left unclear framework in which will continue to develop the conversation. The man feels that he is expected some action, but he does not know the rules of the game, resulting in losing control of the situation. This creates uncertainty, and as a consequence - irritation. It is much easier (and for you and for him) to express its claim or request a more specific form: "Let's talk about why we can not call on a visit to my mother? ".
Finish the specific findings of any conversation with the man. Chatter wasted or for the process, which is so like many women, it is absolutely not clear to members of the opposite sex, and therefore causes irritation. Remember that men are not focused on the process and on the solution of the problem. Accordingly, if you want him to understand you, it is desirable that each of your idea finishes the sentence or specific conclusion.
Never use such words and statements that could hurt the male ego. Men are much more likely than women to be sensitive to negative evaluation, their self-esteem immediately fight back. Thus, instead of a neutral interlocutor you get advance with nothing on consonant opponent. Therefore, in no case do not compare favorite with anyone else.