Sex in nature: the pros and cons

Sex in nature: the pros and cons
 Love sometimes want to dilute the everyday intimate life with something fresh and unusual. Someone with this purpose shtudiruet "Kama Sutra", someone goes to a sex shop for sex toys, and some are trying to diversify sex by finding new places to retire nice.

Popular culture often presents us with sex on the nature of the business is very romantic. Probably many will readily recall the beautiful scene from the movies, where the lovers are given to each other, for example, on the beach to the sound of the surf. In the movie, it looks very nice, but in practice the fans of this kind of exotics may encounter some unpleasant moments.

First of all, it's insects. If the sex you choose a place somewhere on the bare ground, or even pre-lay a blanket, make no mistake - ants, beetles, mosquitoes do not keep you waiting. To some this may not seem important, but, nevertheless, an insect bite at a time when you are so close to orgasm, can greatly spoil the impression of sex.

The same applies to a variety of needles, twigs, wood chips, which can be the most crucial moment you prick or scratch.

Sex on a deserted beach has a specific disadvantage. This ubiquitous sand. Once on the most delicate parts of the body in the process of making love, it can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

And, of course, do not forget that at any time you can caught passers upset all your plans. On the other hand, the fear of being seen by your sex gives special urgency. Even if the probability of meeting someone small, a sense of the potential cause your body to throw out the blood adrenaline, and you will experience new sensations. Thus, the lack of easily drawn in dignity.

Another advantage of sex in the open air is a feeling of oneness with nature. After all, in fact, what could be more natural?

Some of these shortcomings can be easily avoided if they anticipate in advance. Insects can scare a special spray, place on earth to choose carefully and, if possible, pre-cleaned of twigs. Or simply restrict oral sex or petting romantic feelings while preserving, and most of the shortcomings will be excluded.

Tags: nature, sex, beach, lack of