Unrequited love, in fact, an illusion of love, which in real life interferes be truly loved and needed by man. It is a psychological dependence, which must be avoided, and it is easier to do if you will be away from the object of his feelings.
The most common error occurs immediately after the separation, namely, start phone calls and a long silence in the handset or vice versa, bold and useless talk offended. Leave the phone alone, change the sim card number and forget.
Do not make yourself a victim, go with head held high and all things. Get out once and for all. Learn how to manage themselves and their feelings.
Get rid of all your photos. Stop to chat with your mutual friends, because they do not care, but once again ask disturbing questions they may have.
"Seize" his favorite candy unrequited love, go shopping, buy a thing which had long dreamed of, look in the mirror - what you are beautiful!
Never to suffer from such feelings, make yourself more interesting for the people around you. Read a variety of literature, see diverse movies, listen to music. Carried away anything seriously, for example, foreign language learning, earning money, fitness, eventually, grow cacti.
Become diversified man smite surrounding its dynamism. To attract the attention of worthy men and men held one beautiful "packaging" is not enough, develop your inner core, have an opinion.
This is your life, remember that each unrequited love takes not only your strength, but also beauty and youth. Is wise to allow yourself to love ...