Acquaintance, first date, first kiss ... Take time out! Before deciding on the proximity to the chosen one, try as far as possible to meet his human qualities. After all, sex for women - not only physical connection, but also emotional union, after which will be much harder to take a mismatch of expectations with regard to satellite and reality.
Your views on the major moments in life should be the same, or at least be contiguous. This applies to the family, as well as the roles of men and women in it, religion, sexual relations. To reveal the interlocutor, you will need more than one date, so make sure that the man did not understand your intention or not bored. Visit places of interest, activities and events, instead of sluggish talk over a cup of coffee in the same cafe.
If you tend to make new elect the protagonist dreams about their happy future wedding and a happy family life, you have to deal with this habit. After all, even harmless fantasy lay unconscious in a script or certain expectations, and if they do not materialize, and the relationship ends parting, your frustration and pain will be much stronger. Therefore, live the present day, rejoicing in the relations that exist between you here and now.
A lover of Hollywood movies and romance novels often look to new partners extraordinary romance, hot confessions and eternal love. Such women are very hard to get used to the everyday routine, lack of sustained attention and interest of the man she loved. But the stronger sex are arranged differently than heroes melodramas: cherished three words to say to them very hard, so an occasional "I love! "Becomes much feels like the best proof than a candlelit dinner and rose petals in a hot tub. In addition, it is unlikely that a man enough imagination to organize something like that, of course, if he is also not a fan of romantic movies.
Finally, remember to not be disappointed in people, they should not be fascinated. Attributing to man only good quality from the first meeting, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Try to be objective, because there are no people without flaws. You should not turn a blind eye to them.