Thus, a certain "love game" when a woman shows her sexuality, but, on the other hand, is more interested only in meeting their own emotional needs. The man tries to fully comply with them, when in fact only thinks "about it."
Of course, many will not agree, that all men are constantly thinking about "this very". As a rule, when tying relations with a woman he swirling in my head, "these" thoughts, and few people on the first date thinks about her culinary abilities. But after a while the man begins to think about completely different things. For example, the fact that she speaks and communicates with what intonation, whether ready to concede in conflict situations, etc.
Of course, this "one" (ie sex) generally can not happen to be female, and the continuation of the relationship too. It depends on the man early in the relationship could not meet the emotional needs of women. Therefore, the relationship ends before it started.
Most people (regardless of gender) want sincere love and strong, reliable relationships, but each finds its way to the goal. For example, it is shown in the first stage, something later, it is normal human behavior. And when people build relationships with the opposite sex, it is best to harmoniously meet all emerging needs (including sexual and emotional).