
 Mohair (muyhyar) - word Turkish origin. This yarn from wool angora goats. Goat hair is bad and holds its shape quickly rolls, so the yarn added other fibers. Currently angora content in the tissue can not be higher than 83%. There are three types of mohair: 1) Kid mohair - wool young kid ...
 Mohair (muyhyar) - word Turkish origin. This yarn from wool angora goats. Goat hair is bad and holds its shape quickly rolls, so the yarn added other fibers. Currently angora content in the tissue can not be higher than 83%.

There are three types of mohair:
1) Kid mohair - wool young kid, which is obtained after the first haircut. It is very soft and thin. Hair thickness - from 23 to 27 microns, length - from 100 mm to 150 mm.
2) Goatling mohair - wool kid up to two years. Here we are talking about the second mowing.
3) Adult mohair - this wool sheared respectively with adult goats. And it can also be soft and rough. The thickness of the hairs at the same time equal to 30 microns.

Mohair, except that it is very warm, is distinguished by its ability to easily absorb the color. Being painted, it looks not only beautiful, but also natural. Little of its content in the tissue of other material can give it shine. Mohair is very popular among manufacturers of upholstery materials and leading fashion designers.