Sex and TV: what will win

Sex and TV: what will win
 A man wakes up, the first thing presses the TV remote, and then get out of bed; husband comes home and the first thing turns on the TV; during sex, you suddenly notice that my husband watches the action on screen turning on the TV. Familiar situation? In some families from time to time or continuously such situations arise.
 TV has long been a full member of the family, diverting attention - fewer joint conversations, jokes, occupations or discussions. People just watch television together, and it replaces the communication, tenderness, and sometimes sex.

Scientists around the world have concluded that sex is accompanied by the TV does not bring complete satisfaction, since the focus is on TV. This results in less activity, emotional involvement in the process, lower excitation and, consequently, less pleasure.

People who make love while the TV is gradually giving way to this wonderful lesson less and less (2-4 times smaller than those couples who are engaged in the bedroom where no TV), and the process is less intense.

Moreover, even a simple view of the "blue screen" during the day or evening for more than two hours - leads to less intense sexual life. This is due to the fact that, watch TV or movies, we are spending their emotions, and their leaves less for romantic activities.

Therefore, if you want your sex life improved, need to get rid of the temptation to view movies. For example, do not put a TV in your bedroom. Leave it in the living room or kitchen. And in your room, nothing should detract from sleep and sex.

Try to discuss how many hours a day do you watch TV. Stipulate, for example, two hours a day, and try not to deviate from this rule.

If you're already accustomed to the fact that during sex, there was some sound, it is better to turn the music. You can create a special collection of songs, under which both of you would have been nice to make love.

Maybe you can replace the TV radio, because it does not require the same engagement, and this may be a way for your family.

Tags: TV, sex, influence, viewing