How to wear a belt

How to wear a belt
 A variety of belt - an integral part of any woman's wardrobe, which follows the fashion and likes to look stylish. With this accessory, you can vary your own image, change it. Modern stylish belt, which in addition to its primary function is also a decorative ornament, you must be able to wear and combine harmoniously with other things.
 Popular among young girls are corset belt type. They can be used to attract the attention of others, to brighten even the invisible casual clothes. Such belt profitable emphasizes the dignity of the figure, it can be worn as a dress or tunic youth, as well as with business shirt.

Belts, which are based on a wide band, no size. Due to this property can be used to correct the problem figures - they favorably emphasize the waist. These belts are perfectly suited to a wide blouses, shirts, tunics, better - a contrast color.

Narrow graceful belt have become classics and still not lose their relevance. They are present in sporty style, as well as in business, and in the city.

Very original addition to your image may make a belt out of fabric, which is suitable to the colors and textures together that you want to emphasize the waist. Fabric belts can fasten the buckle or tie around the waist.

Modern belt or waistband became independent accessories which do not depend on the color of handbags, shoes or wrist watch. These items of clothing should not deter you from opting belt unusual texture or unusual colors. Bright belt can be a good addition to your style decision.

Despite the variety of patterns and colors, black belt and now are the standard style. They are made on the basis of tissue, leather - lacquered or matte, gum, leatherette. Due to its accessibility and universality of such belts have continued success.

Combine black belt can be any shoes and handbag. To create a unique image, add his dark glasses and a beautiful scarf.

If you master the art of the original combination of zones with objects of his wardrobe - irresistibility and success will be guaranteed to you in any situation.

Tags: Belt, fashion, wearing