Beauty Secrets of Cleopatra

Beauty Secrets of Cleopatra
 Historians have dispelled the myth of Cleopatra's beauty. Found a bust of the last ruler of Egypt showed the world the true face of it. And it turned out to be not perfect: a masculine traits and a big nose aquiline. While it was possible to Cleopatra famous for centuries for its beauty? What's her secret?

Queen of Egypt has an incredible charm to: her gentle voice attracts wanted to listen for hours, and inhale the scent of the body forever. Flowed over her shoulders gorgeous shiny hair, and made-up eyes and radiant. How did Cleopatra reached such an effect in a sultry climate of Egypt?

Cleopatra bath

His body queen spoiled milk baths. And be sure to use fresh milk of asses with the addition of almond oil and honey. A bath actually do today. Exotic donkey milk can replace cow. Naturally, the whole milk bath - nepozvolimaya luxury, but just add water 1 liter and half a cup of honey and two tablespoons of almond oil - is available to every woman.

That the body was shining youth, before bathing slave rubbed body scrub kind of Cleopatra - a mixture of salt and cream. This procedure is quite possible to do today.

And the head of the queen of soap chicken eggs, thanks to them, the hair saturate fats and kept luxurious look. This recipe is very simple. Need to beat eggs until smooth and rub for 15 minutes in the scalp and hair. Then rinse thoroughly.

Masks Cleopatra

Cleopatra honey mask is easy to make at home. Take milk and honey in equal parts. The mixture was put on the skin, wash it off after half an hour.

Cleopatra was a clay mask of honey, sour cream, lemon juice and, of course, very white clay. It can also be done at home. Mix all the ingredients in equal parts and apply on face. Treatment time - 20 minutes, it's enough to skin became elastic, regeneration start and show the effect of bleaching.

After the mask Cleopatra used a special cream from crushed leaves of aloe, lard, honey and rose water. To cook in a water bath rastoplyalsya lard, add the rest of ingredients.

Aromas of Cleopatra

Skillfully combining honey, milk, myrrh and frankincense queen gave her skin a unique flavor of youth. Inhaling the smell of her body, strong men of that time lost his head.

Cleopatra was a great woman. And death herself chose befitting her rank. Shameful captivity queen of Egypt chose to die from the bite of the sacred cobra and appeared before the eyes of his enemy in all glory, but, alas, dead. Leaving descendants her beauty secrets.

Tags: skin, bath, mask, beauty, milk, care, the secret of Cleopatra