Anti-cellulite body wraps: effects and contraindications

Anti-cellulite body wraps: effects and contraindications
 Modern cosmetology and medicine provide women with more and more choice of means to maintain health and beauty. Slim figure and smooth skin - is the first thing a woman is trying to achieve. But sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity do their thing - there is all hated cellulite, with whom you can forget about the beautiful slender legs. Today it can be successfully dealt with by salon procedures.

The most popular among women in the fight against cellulite treatments are wraps. To date, this procedure has become a real ritual, with its own traditions and philosophy.

If you are lucky and you have got to these experts, before the procedure you will be offered Turkish tea made warming massage.

The first stage wraps - is the process of purification. Gentle exfoliation using cosmetics made on the basis of sea salt and mud, helps to ensure that nutrients penetrated as deeply as possible into the skin, preparing it for the next stage.

After applying termogelya impose special cream and whey, and only then the mixture was directly applied, which consists of oil, salts, minerals, algae and dirt. Then you wrap a special film and cosmetic cover termoodeyalom.

Sauna effect when wrapping such as may be useful and have contraindications. Such procedures are not recommended for women with gynecological diseases, varicose veins, vascular disease and heart. Such women can be cold wrap. It helps get rid of puffiness, improves skin tone, makes it more elastic.

Wrap in principle prohibited for pregnant women and in case of skin wounds and scratches (eg scratch from a cut, the scar from surgery done recently, skin diseases).

If no contraindications, you can go to the hot wrap - it helps to effectively combat cellulite, because at elevated temperature quickly reaches the desired effect that you see and feel immediately after the first procedure. The skin becomes smooth, and if the pattern of orange peel has not pronounced, the skin is smoothed instantly. If adipose tissue does not want to retreat, you will need to repeat the procedure. There is a specially designed treatment course to be held twice a year for five weeks.

Procedures for hot and cold wraps can be combined. But in any case before the procedure is better to consult a doctor.

In principle, the wrap is suitable for all women and girls. And if, after this procedure, you will not be a girl with those forms, which you want, then in any case, smooth smooth skin will give you confidence and a good mood.

Tags: effect, cellulite, slimming procedure, contraindication, wrapping