How to create an interior in the Japanese style

How to create an interior in the Japanese style
 Sophistication and outstanding practicality, conciseness and elegance in the smallest detail, infinite harmony in every detail - that is a Japanese-style interior. Play it in a typical city apartment is the task difficult. But this difficulty does not scare the creator.

Aura Japan, high functionality and the highest refinement of traditional Japanese interior, no meaningless trinkets may well exist in the European home. Most importantly, it completely useless completely recreate the atmosphere of a Japanese house. And it is impossible. Suffice it to move into the European home of its most characteristic features.

Interior Japanese home imbued with the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature. In fact, it is one large space divided into different functional areas using partitions (fusuma) and screens.

All superfluous, meaningless and do not carry the functional load removed, hidden from the eyes and does not clutter the home. By the way, the Japanese are still not too like to put at home cabinets.


To the east of the interior is characterized by simple and laconic lines. Pieces of furniture, as a rule, have a smooth surface and are not burdened with furniture.

Japanese interior is not overloaded with furniture. Here there is only the bare essentials: small sofas, low tables, a variety of screens and partitions, often representing individual works of art.

"Diluted" the abundance of straight lines and angles intricate hieroglyphs on scrolls adorning the walls, as well as elegant whimsical curves of bonsai in a wide flat pot. Of course, the Japanese interior is difficult to imagine without the skill and all the rules drawn ikebana.


Like any other ethno-interior, Japanese abounds with natural materials. There are a lot of wood, cane, glass, paper, stone, bamboo, silk, wicker. And no plastic.


Of course, for ethnic interior preferably natural light. But it may not be enough. And the habit of going to bed at nightfall, the Europeans, like the modern Japanese have long atrophied.

Bright, rather lunar than solar light in the Japanese home most natural. Each functional area has a light source. Often it is a lamp with a shade made of rice paper to create a soft diffused light.


Maximum restrained natural colors - a characteristic feature of Japanese interior. No pomp and cutting the eye brightness. All shades of brown, gray, green, natural, white and black - these are the colors of the Japanese home. Can not be excluded, however, and turquoise, red, pink and purple, but only in very small doses.

Japanese interior - a philosophy opposes the external chaos. He is separate from the bustle of the city, problems and stress of the big city. He even outside of time, as well as all created in the East. Maybe that's why, interiors in Japanese style preferred by people, introverts tending to the spiritual, putting your inner peace and harmony above all else in this world.

Tags: light, bonsai, style, interior design, ikebana