Diseases of pet birds and their treatment

Diseases of pet birds and their treatment
 Communication with feathered friends brings a person a lot of positive emotions. Singing from home Ptakha becomes joy in my soul and in the house. When the bird stops unexpectedly fun tweeting in the morning, could not help a feeling of anxiety. It is important to look at the appearance and condition of the ward. Decorative bird room, like other pets, prone to various diseases. Diseases of pet birds is easier to prevent than to cure. Timely recognition of the disease will quickly "to rouse" the bird.

Monotonous feeding ornamental birds, leads to a lack of vitamins in the body of a bird and spread of the disease, called beriberi. When vitamin deficiency pet birds become lethargic, inactive, and almost did not eat. To return the bird to energy should be included in the diet varied food. Should try to choose a treat that like a bird, and which will contain a sufficient number of different vitamins. If the bird does not want to take other food or vitamin deficiency is running, you must dig vitamins with a pipette in the beak or added to the water.

Infectious laryngotracheitis - a viral disease in which inflamed pharynx and trachea pigeons, parrots, canaries and other pet birds. Acute course of the disease affects the appearance of birds. They sit with their eyes closed and refuse food. When breathing birds emit a kind of croaking noises, the beak is always open. The disease may be accompanied by lacrimation and the expiration of the holes of the beak. Laryngotracheitis treated primarily with antibiotics for prevention applied to the conjunctiva vaccine or rubbing it into the cloaca. The cells must be treated with boiling water.

Psittacosis in poultry caused by chlamydia. Infection is transmitted via respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Psittacosis cunning that in the early stages of the disease is similar to vitamin deficiency - lack of appetite, drowsiness. Aggravation of psittacosis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and diarrhea. Psittacosis treated using broad-spectrum antibiotics. The medicine was added to a pulp which is prepared from cereals in the following ratio - into two parts and the two parts of rice oats taken three parts water. Dishes, nests, toys that are in the cell, as well as the cell itself, be sure to disinfect or destroy and replace the entire inventory. Premises where dwells and may be present bird is subject to thorough disinfection.

Pet birds, especially the young, are often infected with helminth - intestinal parasites. In the litter found some parasites or their entire tangles. Infection occurs through helminth dirty food or bedding cells contaminated with infected birds. For the treatment of bird the size of a budgerigar, used fifty milligrams of anthelmintic drugs dissolved in water. For recovery, medication birds give two consecutive days.

Budgies, canaries and other pet birds are attacked by blood-sucking ticks and Menoponidae. Infection occurs during ectoparasites finding birds in the air (outdoor balcony) from birds living in the wild or from newly acquired birds or inventory. When an infected tick bird rushes to the cage, constantly itches. You need to see all the sites and perches fixing cells, as well as folds of skin under the wings of a bird and the inside of the thighs. This favorite places mites that hide from the light.

Menoponidae feed on blood, skin particles, feathers, which causes the skin to itch birds, bald patches and dermatitis. Flight and tail feathers are covered with small holes. Pet birds become restless and scratching claws and beak affected areas. At the same time the body is weakened birds and decreases resistance to various diseases.

Finding mites or lice must be treated or dichlorvos karbozolyu cell with the equipment and the area where there is a pet cage (table, windowsill, etc.). Cell scalded with boiling water and processed sektitsidnymi or acaricides and washed with water again. Bird deposited into a clean place and bird feathers (in the neck, in nadhvoste, under the wings) swab or brush rubbed pyrethrum powder or conventional kerosene. By repeating these procedures, a few days the bird gets rid of the pests.

Proper maintenance of poultry in captivity, diligent care and regular preventive measures will save the bird from diseases that deliver great grief and anguish bird owner.

Tags: bird, content, disease, treatment, parrot