All life - the game

All life - the game
 The meaning of life - a mysterious thing. Each beating hard to decide for themselves this question. Some are serious and prudent, to justify its high status, and someone continues to be a kid at heart and feels happy. Is it worth it to complicate our lives, because it is very simple, if you think about. We always played some role, so maybe this is the meaning of life?

At work, you play a successful woman that all the mountains on the shoulder. You know exactly how and what to do, what to say, what to write. You convince yourself in this, and other, not thinking about what all this unnecessary. Of course, the work - this is a very important part of everyone's life. It brings money, gives communion and helps to keep your head in the clear state. But that's what you portray yourself to the work of the person you really are not? Very often people at work is fundamentally different from the person at home. You can be soft and docile loving wife, but work becomes fury, which does not tolerate objections.

From the point of view of psychology, try on different roles - a natural human trait. Each of us lives a few different "I", and all of them need to somehow show themselves. It turns out that the house you alone, at work - is quite different, and Reunion appear in a completely different manner. All that we need in order to feel its integrity.

That is why, by the way, many girls passionately dream of becoming an actress. They are attracted by the fame and popularity as it may seem at first glance, but it is an opportunity to live in a different manner. After all, you see, all my life is boring to play the same role.

By the way, avid gamers, pursue the same goal. Now a lot of people prefer not to spend time outdoors with friends and near the monitor while playing computer games. You can choose for themselves absolutely any role: to become a knight, warrior or mage and conquer the earth, save the princess and solve challenging puzzles. Computer game attracts the very reason that gives people a taste of the game, which he may be greatly missed in life. After all, not everyone is able to transform, putting strict office suit, and in the evening again become the same.

If you are missing a drive in life, try something in it to change. And to begin, as we know, it is best to yourself. Look at your wardrobe and buy things to put that before you would never have dared. Just try to play someone else, and see what it will do you good, and it will be interesting and exciting.

Psychologists advise from time to time change the situation: to live in the summer in the country or go south during their holidays. In fact, you can easily change your life and staying put simply remake some point in itself. Do you think it's impossible? Try it, because all our life - the game. So play!

Tags: man, game, life, adult role