The likelihood of a successful outcome of the conflict for you depends on its stage. At the stage of development and conflict chance to "go in peace" - 92 percent. In a situation of open conflict is better to suffer with peacekeeping actions, when people are at the mercy of strong emotions - rational arguments and arguments of little concern, for a total of 5 percent success rate. When the storm subsides, and a barrage of feelings you have in stock will still remain 20 percent probability of conflict resolution with minimal losses.
Psychologists say that there are three models of individual behavior in a conflict situation.
This constructive - when a person seeks to resolve the conflict, friendly, open to negotiations and laconic. Destructive - in this case only aggravate the conflict, disparage personality partner negative assessment, in general, in every way violate the ethics of communication. And the third model, conformist - a man in this case is passive, inclined to make concessions, away from sensitive issues and thus can induce the other party to the offense.
As prerequisites for conflict resolution at any stage are:
- Sufficient maturity conflict. Not the most pleasant, but quite obvious example - a ripe abscess open easier.
- Need to be resolved. As they say, there is a will, although this is not enough.
- And, of course, that the necessary authorization for the tools and resources - this time, and your nerves, and experience in negotiating and even perhaps wealth.
The very same correction algorithm is as follows:
- Examine the cause of the conflict, a stumbling block.
- Limit the number of participants in the conflict.
- Further analysis of the current situation - the motives and goals of the parties, the possible risks and consequences of different options and the likelihood of the outcome in this case getting what you need.
- Actually, choice and decision.
Psychological correction of conflict
To paraphrase an expression of Benedict Erofeev story "Moscow-Petushki" about the ephemeral nature of human life, if a person came into conflict - nothing can be done, it is necessary to correct a little this conflict.
Tags: solution, the conflict, the stage, the correction