Enneagram. Loyalist

Enneagram. Loyalist
 According to psychological technique called the Enneagram, the people of the sixth type of personality - it Loyalists or skeptics. They are guided by reason, capable of generating new ideas and analyze what is happening.

Enneagram psychological technique that divides humanity into nine personality types, three of them belong to the so-called center of the head. This type of intelligent mind, for which the leading role played in the life of the mind. Such people are eager to learn, possessing outstanding thinking abilities and talent in the field of ideas and planning. The sixth type - a Loyalist or a skeptic.

These individuals are of the opinion that it is not known when something goes very wrong, as it should go. They always assume the worst case scenario situation. The main thing for Loyalist - it is an eternal struggle with his fear. Sometimes he overcomes it, in spite of doing myself, sometimes inferior to their fears. Skeptics are phobic - people who want to avoid any contact with their horrifying things. And kontfobicheskie who deliberately expose themselves to what the panic fear - knowingly take risks.

"Six" is constantly worried about their security and credibility. These people are more comfortable to stay in the shade. Loyalist skeptics hard to trust others, so they develop in themselves the ability to see people "through" in an effort to look into someone else's soul. At the same time skeptic extremely faithful to the one who was able to win their trust.

Representatives of the six types are able to calculate the perfect situation for a probable risk. As no one they can view any event from the side. The "sixes" developed intuition, they are serious about life, able to make sacrifices and have a vivid imagination. They can be a little friends, so they appreciate those who, in their opinion, is worthy of constant communication.

Loyalists are insecure, always doubt. Torment yourself with questions. Because of this, it is difficult to set realistic goals and to do business. While under pressure, they are able to function productively in a state than comfort. Fearing conflict and not trusting strangers grounds looking for support in society.

Constant reflection inhibit their activity, causing delay the resolution of all issues. Loyalists like endless discussions and attention to small details. Bad memories of them even more expensive than good.

Under stress Skeptics modify the provisions of their behavior, becoming more energetic. However, at the same time, they feel frustrated and anxious, because I do not like to be able to understand the situation before taking action. State of comfort and trust also changes the behavior of loyalists. He tries to see in others only positive features, takes the circumstances for what they are. This causes him to become slightly retarded, refusing the usual skepticism: it is better to enjoy what we have.

Through the development for "sixes" becomes exemption from vibrations and generation of an ability to trust. This will give them the opportunity to develop the belief that everything happens as it should. Vice for the Loyalists is fear, which is expressed as a constant feeling of anxiety and foreboding. Subconscious motivation for them is a sense of danger.

Skeptics question the fixation becomes. It directs their mind, forcing all the time to analyze everything, look for contradictions in others and their opinions, actions and beliefs. Virtue is courage for the Loyalists as the main motive for action, overcoming self-doubt. They need to be brave enough to believe in a happy future.

Tags: type, development, psychology, personality, fixing, skeptic, enneagram, loyalist, virtue