Facial expression that conveys certain emotions, is one of the main types of non-verbal communication. Movement of facial muscles, forming a particular facial expression, have been described by Paul Ekman and his colleagues. Scientists invented a system KSVL - a coding system of facial expressions with which they tried to make it clear in a variety of existing views about how one should classify and identify emotions.
The founder of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin insisted that the model of emotional expression are the same for different people in the world. Ekman studies among different cultures have confirmed this view. Scientists have been studying the native tribes in New Guinea, which had not met them with strangers. After showing the images with different facial expressions that convey six emotions: happiness, fear, disgust, anger, sadness, surprise, the natives have identified these feelings correctly.
For most crops, no gestures or postures are the same for all, at least, that no one has yet been able to prove. For example, in some communities, people nod show their disagreement, which contradicts our custom disagree with someone. Europeans use some gestures, such as showing someone the finger, that other nations do not exist.
Facial expressions, gestures and postures used in addition to the statements and in those cases, if nothing was said, just to transfer content. With the help of these people pass jokes, irony or skepticism.
Often non-verbally, we demonstrate that said not what we wanted to really say. It barely noticeable signs of nonverbal communication include spontaneous expression of sincerity, smile, expression of surprise.
Synchronous interaction - an interesting finding studies of nonverbal behavior. It is manifested in the similarity of motions, for example, when two people simultaneously, as would be the mirror, say at the same speed or change the posture. Engaging in conversation, bodily posture the person with whom you are talking is often a mirror image of your own posture.
As a rule, "bodily adjustment" suggests a deep contact between two people. Dance performed by partners is a good example of reflection on this experience, where the line between master and slave is erased.