Jealousy and how to fight it

Jealousy and how to fight it
 Jealousy - a feeling which is primarily based on the self-doubt, and many couples face this problem. Since the inherent nature that all people - owners and believe that the second half belongs to them alone. Is this correct?

Many women (especially young beauties still) believe that if a guy is jealous, then - love. If a woman felt for a moment that the guy lost interest in her, she immediately begins to direct marafet and do everything to ensure that he began to be jealous of her to other young people. It is only correct if the marafet - for the favorite, but not for other young people.

How to get rid of feelings of jealousy? Need to talk openly with your partner. Let him try to dispel all doubts. Maybe he can give many confusing at first glance things clear explanation. And you realize that because of this stupid jealous.

Try switching to any business, it will help to cope with jealousy. Usually jealous of someone who is alone. Now a lot of clubs, trainings, where you can diversify your leisure and find a partner with the same interests. So jealousy becomes smaller, you just will not stay on her time.

To cope with jealousy, often go with a man in a theater, a restaurant, a concert. In a word - spend time away from home. You will realize that you are well together, and get rid of jealousy will be much easier.

Usually only weak jealous, insecure in themselves people who are not fully trust your partner. They have no power, the will to resist the jealousy. It is worth remembering that men do not like it when next to him is weak, notorious, insecure woman, he does not want a lifetime to drag myself all her fears and suspicions. Maybe it's time to say to yourself - stop! We need to understand that jealousy prevents live not only you, but also to him. It is time to begin to deal with it. And you need to start tomorrow, but right now.

If jealousy takes all your thoughts and think that you are starting to go crazy, it means that you have a serious problem and you need help from a specialist psychologist. Even girlfriend or mother will not be able to replace it.

Tags: feeling of jealousy