It turns out that blood group affects the person's temperament, his affection. Remember that blood type is inherited and does not change until the end of life.
If you are the first group of blood (0), then most likely you are energetic, have a sociable nature and can find a common language with almost all. You have good health, to recover quickly enough emotional. In addition, you are ambitious, a born leader, brooked no criticism. You - the big optimist, looking forward with confidence. At the same time you are quick-tempered and jealous, is a good friend, know how to sympathize and empathize. You love your family, becoming home affectionate and sentimental.
If you are the owner of the second group (A), then you - a good worker and you appreciate the heads of the hard work, commitment and conscientious attitude to the assigned work. The result of your work is impeccable. You try not to break the rules at the same time, if necessary, be smart. You are calm and patient, sensitive enough. Love you friends, and you do not mind a good company. You value comfort and hate loneliness. To some extent, you maximalist.
If you have a third group of blood (B), you - the person creative. You are very sensitive and impressionable. At the same time makes high demands, both to themselves and to others. Very often you - individualist, do as you like. In any society, feel free and not pay too much attention to the opinions of others. You have a vivid imagination and you will quickly adapt to any situation. You perform qualitatively only the work that you are interested in, otherwise you get to work so hard.
You have the fourth group (AB), then you are very sensual and emotional. This is often the cause of your experiences. You are not very confident in yourself and have selected the correct decision. You - a man inspired, often go from one extreme to another. At the same time, you and considerate, and too sharp, so it is difficult to make decisions. Usually you have many friends and often you are the soul of the company. You understand people, know how to listen to them and give valuable advice. Chances are you - a wonderful and loving parent.
It is impossible to say which group is better, since each has its "pros" and "cons" as well as a huge variety of human characters. And, of course, on the nature of man, except for the blood group affects still a great many other factors - education, living conditions, education. And yet, knowing your blood group and given the inherent character traits, you can achieve more in life.