Girlfriend-zavistnits constantly expresses its dissatisfaction with the fact that she does not have what you have. Their behavior, it gives you a sense of guilt. You will take care of a friend as long as enough of your patience. To get better, to develop and reach the same heights as you have a girlfriend is not necessary. It, by and large, satisfied with her ordinary life, but you will always be in the unpleasant position of blame. In such a friendship you basically will give, and it is - take without giving anything in return.
Friend-rival will try to beat all your accomplishments. It will be ready for anything in order to take the lead, to beat your achievements in terms of career, and in terms of the family. Such an alliance girlfriends spur to the development of both. The result - each achieves its goals.
Girlfriend-appropriate status - such a friendship going on between those women who have acquired a certain position in society, have material wealth and pleasant fans. Relations are very good, you will always have the desire and the general and common interests, but only so long as one of you will not lose their privileges. Once lost a high position in society one of her friends, friendship is automatically dissolved. Be careful in relationships, appreciate sincerity and honesty.