Friends "former" - my friends?

Friends "former" - my friends?
 At any loving couple have common friends, however, and the guy and the girl, and still have a lot of their own acquaintances. Some of these people become common friends, and someone still remains in the distance.

In the event that the lovers decide to leave, how to be a girl, if friends ex-boyfriend became really close and dear? Of course, there is a strong likelihood that the offended partner "to wind" of these people against ex-girlfriend. In this case, not even worthy of special experience. If no explanation turn away people who were considered friends, so they have not been established. You can try to talk to them, dot with respect, to discuss questions. However, there are almost one hundred percent probability that more strong friendship and normal communication with them will not.

In another case, friends and acquaintances ex-boyfriend are on the side of the girl and begin to scold his friend, or trying to achieve reconciliation. This is also, in most cases a dead end road, so as to understand the relationship between two people can only themselves, but the presence of third parties, as a rule, does not lead to anything good.

The ideal option friendship with familiar ex-boyfriend - a simple communication, which does not depend on the opinions and lives with whom there was separation. It is advisable to keep a friendship to a normal conversation with the same interests, joint campaigns for various events. For the first time after breaking up is better not to interfere with the ex-boyfriend in the same company, particularly if accompanied by parting quarrel and mutual accusations. Why spoil the mood of yourself, your friends, and former partner?

It is a pity, but in most cases a strong friendship with friends "former" does not work. They either take the side of a Man, Woman or protect from discussing and actively intervene in the lost relationship. If she anticipates a similar outcome, it is better to stop communicating itself correctly.

There is another interesting situation - budding romantic relationship with another ex-boyfriend. Maybe he had long dreamed of such a lovely girl, but another favorite for him was unavailable taboo. After separation, each "former" may begin to care for beauty, to give her attentions to invite to a restaurant or a movie. Most likely, this guy will end friendships, but will hope for an affair. But it will be a completely different story interesting developments.

Tags: attitude, friend, husband, separation