How to stop being late

How to stop being late
 Late for work, to meet committed by people who are not motivated by the fact that arrive on time, or just can not organize your time. These are the main reasons for a delay. Need for a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

Late for work may threaten your comments superiors reprimand, deprivation of bonuses. Waking up in the morning, and not wanting to go to work, you have to scroll through the horrors of the head that may occur, and still late.

Spend timing how long it takes you to the toilet, breakfast, the way to work. Spend two days to decide exactly how much it is necessary to stand up in the morning to no bustle and fun to come to work.

By working day to get ready for the evening. Decide for yourself what you wear, check out the clothes, if necessary, stroke, sew buttons, cook tights, collect the bag.

If you can not stand with alarm clock, try to go to bed early. The body gets used a few days to the regime of the day, and soon you will be able to do in the morning without an alarm clock. The trick is to translate the clock forward a few minutes does not always work, because you know what you have in stock is the time you want it.

In cases where the organizational issues do not help, then think about what you do not like this job. Perhaps a new band, the other working relationships will save you from delays. It is likely that you will approach the individual work schedule or work, depending on the volume without time.

Making an appointment, assign a time interval, rather than a fixed time. Take care of partners and friends, meet at convenient locations near cafes, shops, parks, where you can sit and keep warm.

Plan your meeting in advance so as not to make a fuss and time enough for all. Label for yourself priorities, do not make yourself too busy schedules, choose the need for you to meet.

When possible delays necessarily warn that you are late, or warn in advance that late.

Do not make excuses to colleagues and superiors for his tardiness, thus you justify ourselves, and do not think that forced them to spend their time in vain.

Tags: work, time delay