8 "stressful types of" office worker. Know yourself?

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 Faced with stress at work under the force of each. This insidious villain lurks at every corner. As a result of a study conducted by American experts, it was found that job stress affects health, causing problems with the stomach, leading to heart attacks and strokes, and provokes the development of cancerous tumors. There are cases of suicide on the basis of stress. But studies of Americans did not end, they identified eight types of model workers, victims of work-related stress.

"Foca of all trades dock"

Constant use of the employee in resolving most of the issues, and the responsibility of the employee's job data are not included. For example, assistance in training of trainees, advising on the project. As a result, such a craftsman long fulfills its direct responsibilities, lingering at work and handing over the results of their work at the last minute.

Solution: inability to concentrate and an inability to distinguish primary objectives - one of the obvious problems "jack of all trades." The first thing you need to do in this situation - is to have a diary and write down there all his (!) Tasks in order of importance and to follow them.


Permanent strangers job heaping endless stream, do not give pause to reflect on his own.

Solution: catering to all comrades difficult to stop before performing the obligations of others, because it is valuable to get approval from others. The lack of impact generates stress. It is necessary to discuss the plans of the authorities about such employee, and not necessarily to request an enhancement, it is important just to clarify the duties.

Get gratitude can not only at work but also in the family: help babysitting, cook dinner, take out the trash, after all.


At work, with almost no one speaks, does not support in difficult times, even have to dine alone. Statements from the head is always kept to himself, because there is no audience.

Solution: psychologists say that mental health is made up of loyal attitude of the authorities and emotional support colleagues. Therefore, you must start a conversation with the staff and not fully go into the work, and as chief, then please him work performed, as is remembered, above all, a man, and then his case.

All the blame on him

To him send all problematic clients, he only can do is smile and ask for forgiveness. For its tranquility lies the bitterness of disappointment in myself and colleagues that slowly catching up stress.

Solution: restrained anger is a dangerous condition for the human psyche. Experts advise not to pay attention to such situations at work, because that is what pays the salaries. All customers' problems are not problems of the individual. Pour objections can be by shouting - just a few minutes to shout into the void. Stress leave.

Prisoner appliances

Technical progress made great progress. Whereby the chief way to get their subordinates at any time of day or night, and at work, while responding to calls, e-mails, there is little time left for work.

Solution: Appliances dwells everywhere, perhaps, only in the shower with her until you go. Not to earn fatigue, should definitely set time to turn off all laptops, phones and "clean" the head of thoughts a day's work.

"How in the mist"

Strength is not enough, actions on automatism, the existence of such a plant.

Solution: need a vacation or time off. If this is not possible - should seek entertainment at the weekend, despite the fatigue and the desire to lie in bed.

Last forever

All errors are mistakes, whether they own or the entire department, always fall on the "eternally extreme" and received the job to be performed earlier than everyone else.

Solution: getting a regular job, you need to demonstrate their own professionalism. Argumentation too short a time will allow the authorities to once again feel the respect to such employee, and at the same time it will increase in the eyes of employees.


Constant promotion colleagues bonus payments to relatives of the authorities - all of which can easily give rise to stress employee passed by all these blessings.

Solution: The situation is unfair. But wait for help from anyone. Leave from work is not necessary, since all consider it for the flight, and the soul will still be hurt.

Tags: work type, stress, employee