How do I get people

How do I get people
 There is nothing new in this sublunary world. Even coercion to work for hundreds and thousands of years remain the same. That, on the one hand, can talk about the constancy of human nature; on the other - that the rudiments of the primitive and the slave system still exist.
 In ancient times, when the tribal system, everyone had to work for the common good. Lazy simply expelled. Society could not afford to feed a person who does not benefit. And be one almost always meant death. People are forced to work the fear of expulsion, the fear of losing everything and even life. This compulsion to work can be called the method of intimidation.

After some time the leaders of some tribes have guessed that it is not necessary to work and gather food by hunting and gathering, and you can come to the neighbors and to select. Others have suggested a weaker tribes his defense against robbers in exchange for part of hunting trophies. Chiefs divided the territory from which they collected tribute. Thus appeared the first state. A little later, the tribal system began to decay, birth replace the family. Each family has specialized in the production or manufacture something one, and they exchanged among themselves, not forgetting of the fruit of their labor to give the leaders of the defense. In case of delay in payment protection chiefs could be severely punished. The method of intimidation as a way to get to work gained official status.

In the world of brewing great changes. People guessed that does not necessarily work itself, you just get someone else. There were slave-owning society. In such a society, there are two types of people: free men and slaves. Slave could not leave on their own master, fulfilling his every whim. In order to make the work of slaves, their owners have hired security guards and overseers. Guilty supervisors severely punished whip and sticks. Nations to condone such a course of affairs, protecting the interests of slaveholders exploiters. The method of direct coercion is called by the whip.

No one knows who invented money, but their appearance facilitated the exchange between people, and any product or service received its equivalent in valuable terms. And some especially gifted citizens to understand that for a comfortable life does not have to produce anything. Suffice it to buy something for the money, and then to sell more expensive, the difference is to use for their own needs. Thus was born commerce. Merchants to have everything you need to invest money by buying goods and hiring workers. To workers labored, and manufacturers of products passed its merchants, did not have to force them. It was enough just to offer money. This method can be called the method of recruitment or by stick.

All three methods throughout history have changed in appearance, but their essence remains the same to this day. Now you can meet in different places and method of intimidation, and the use of the carrot and stick method. Even in those areas of the world where the robbery, extortion and slavery is prohibited, there is their subtle forms. You are offended at work, something not done in time or not? Please, if you please try the carrot in the form of a fine if scolding from his superiors. In addition, you will always be under the influence of the method of intimidation. You're afraid of losing their jobs, as the ancient people feared that their eviction from the tribe. On the other hand, there is a method for the stick. For the good of the following actions you can praise, to distinguish them before all men to pay a premium.

Therefore, in whatever sphere of neither man would have to work, there is always only three ways to stimulate its activity: deterrence, carrots and sticks. These proven techniques have existed for thousands of years at any time and under any political system.

Tags: work, man, method, stick, sticks, coercion