5 Tips workaholics

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 To the painful condition that requires medical intervention, workaholism is from 1919. Man first on their own drives himself into this state, and then can not get out of it, experiencing a continuing need for work. This relationship is akin to alcoholism, and as it turned out, American scientists, indeed, the chances sleep workaholics have 2-3 times higher, because the stress of their work, they begin to take alcohol. But workaholism - curable.

Most workaholics among men 30-45 years of age. This is the age of development, when they seek to fully realize themselves and achieve maximum career growth, ensure a comfortable existence family. For obvious reasons, workaholics among women is much smaller - the main force they spend on raising children and caring for the family.

As each disease has its symptoms overworked, which are described in the medical literature. Worrying signs may be evening meetings at work late, talking only about the production and those problems are solved at work. Weekends are for workaholics real torture - if you can not spend and do not work, they still do not devote time to rest - home tyrannize the same conversation without giving relax themselves or others. The opportunity to take home for the weekend work - for them the only acceptable form of recreation.

It is clear that the result of such an attitude to work is not long to wait - follow disease associated with constant stress and lack of physical activity. Therefore, treatment should not be delayed. At the first sign of deteriorating pay attention to your state and soberly assess it as critical.

To escape from it, learn to enjoy the moment. Do not sit at home, take the exit on the weekend of nature. If you can not without a laptop - take it with you. Hopefully an hour or two, you can understand that it is foolish to sit, staring intently at the monitor when such beauty around you, feel the pleasant idleness and simple contemplation of the world.

Arrange for yourself priorities. What do you want out of life - money, power, envy someone else? Probably not. Full life is not to constantly prove yourself that you are able to work around the clock. The meaning of the work - the ability to enjoy the benefits of their labor.

Uymite their excessive fanaticism, learn to focus on the work and you will see how to increase productivity and quality of your work.

Gradually decrease the amount of their working time, 8 hours a day is enough to keep the time and even the rest of life - hobbies, travel, adventure, new meetings. Fully relax at the weekend.

Give yourself exercise. It is impossible to keep yourself in good physical shape, spending all the time in a sitting position. If you want to fully work, you will learn to fully and usefully rest.

Tags: work, advice, workaholism