Must be clearly specified in advance, and the meeting agenda, that is exactly what issues will be discussed. It is necessary that you have prepared well. Ordered that the room where the meeting was prepared for the meeting. It is essential that it has been removed from all the unnecessary, placing the required number of chairs or armchairs, prepared stationery (paper, pens, pencils). It is also desirable to prepare non-alcoholic soft drinks and glasses. Although according to the rules of etiquette partners is required to offer tea or coffee, these drinks will not be superfluous.
If you need any documents, certificates, statistical material, this should also take care in advance so as not to be distracted during the talks themselves on their quest.
Of course, it is necessary to negotiate politely, tactfully. It is natural that you will defend the interests of the firm, to achieve the most favorable conditions. But it is necessary to take into account the interests of both partners to show respect for them, a willingness to a reasonable compromise.
If the negotiations will take place in an informal setting, the best place for the meeting will be any restaurant. In the case where your partners are foreigners, especially from the East, try to advance to consult with a specialist who is familiar with their customs, traditions and rules of behavior in society, culinary habits. This is especially true when you have to negotiate with the Japanese, as they give talks in an informal atmosphere of great importance. Of course, if the initiator of this meeting was, you have to take care of all the expenses.