How to conduct training on the job

How to conduct training on the job
 Competition laws dictate terms, and if you want your company to not only "afloat", but also developed successfully, you need to not only attentive to changes in the market, but also to improve the skills of their employees. One of the most popular ways of training is to conduct corporate training.
 Decide for yourself what you expect from the learning of what the goals and objectives you need to be solved by training. Best of all, if the first draft of the future of training do you, as a leader - in fact better than you, no one knows the weaknesses and shortcomings and their employees in their work. If you decide to spend more than one training, and to make this form of training regularly, it makes sense to conduct a survey of employees on the topic of what knowledge they lack and what skills they would like to receive. Thus, you will get a complete picture of the state of affairs in the company.

Calculate your financial capability. Determine whether you can be invited to the training of professional coachers, or you have to spend it on their own. The most effective form of training and suggests the presence of a visiting business coach, and part of the company itself experienced managers who can share with young colleagues their practical experience.

Choosing a training company, do not rush to call upon the first enticing ad. Ask from its partners, for sure they will be able to recommend you a company with a good, proven track record. With a guest coach necessarily preliminary work, clearly explain to him what you expect from the training and what he must pay special attention. Coachers explain what the specifics of your company, introduce it with professional features of your employees. In short, provide assistance to the coach, that he spent most fruitful training. Take the coach pre-training program, and, if necessary, make changes to it.

If you have the opportunity to conduct training on the road, for example, in a holiday home or just rent a house in a picturesque place, do it. A change of scenery is good for the perception of knowledge, and help your employees get the most benefit from the training.

After the training once again conducted a survey of their employees, find out how he helped them, and what is still not enough. Talk to a business coach, ask him to make a list of guidelines for future work. Look at the list you made goals and objectives, evaluate how this training could help solve them.

Based on this information, you can plan the next educational training to enhance professional skills of its employees.

Tags: business, work, improvement, employee training, coach, qualification