Meditation and self-knowledge

Meditation and self-knowledge
 Meditation helps to learn to live deliberately, to achieve goals, focus on what is important to you at the moment. This is the true path of self-discovery, because during meditation you aspire look into yourself, in your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
 Meditative practice is necessary if you are aiming to gain control of his consciousness. You can achieve great results in all areas of your life, if you make better use of the resources that you have available. These include the abilities, skills, logic skills and feelings.

Once you master the techniques of self-knowledge, and will set aside time each day for self-improvement, you can see how much more complete and meaningful will be your life.

Another advantage of mastering the techniques of meditation is the feeling that you are living here and now.

Meditation technique is based on the direction of the inner gaze inward or external object. This can be a candle flame, a beautiful flower or water.

Sit in a comfortable position. Classical posture for meditation - "Lotus". In this case, you need to cross my legs and put your feet on the thighs. Relax your shoulders and arms, slightly lower chin. Connect the medium and large fingers. If you are uncomfortable this position, find another position in which you feel comfortable.

Focus on the subject of meditation. Avoid extraneous thoughts. Your mind must obey you and not to leave the stream to which you sent it. If there is some problem, the solution of which you want to find, think about it.

Through regular practice, you will become more focused, purposeful, calm, balanced person with clear objectives and a more conscious attitude to life. You will be able to concentrate on the essentials, cutting off the excess.

Having achieved through meditation control over your mind, you get rid of foreign influence and negative thoughts. In addition, you will gain a sense of the amazing lightness and harmony with oneself and the world.

Tags: method, method, meditation, self-knowledge, knowledge