Divination - prediction or programming?

Divination - prediction or programming?
 Loyal customers psychics, clairvoyants and fortune tellers - people desperate to solve their problems by traditional means. Many believe that avoid most trouble possible if you know about them in advance. But any prediction of the future could push us into a trap: make constantly thinking about the upcoming event, thereby having programmed our minds.

Scientists esoteric argue that there is no definite future. It changes every second under the influence of our words and actions, making adjustments in fate. Our every action entails a certain range of consequences that determine the future life. You need to have a truly great ability to predict in great detail the events that preceded the set of actions, thoughts and words. If the consequences are global in nature, it is possible to speak of predestination over and there is no choice. Such moments can see the strongest predictor. But this happens very rarely, much more often practiced banal programming of the mind of man.

Our thoughts are material, and the world is a subjective reality, generated by our consciousness. Many of us do not want to hear from others that wish will not come true, and the action will not bring positive results. It is believed that it can provoke a bad outcome or a complete failure conceived.

Especially impressionable people, or easily suggestible heard a prediction about his future, unwittingly begin to live according to the imposed scenario. English psychiatrist Barker in his book "scared to death" described the deaths of people in the exact date predicted by fortune tellers. Based on these data it is concluded that the person who knows the exact time of his death, is able to bring yourself to a state, ending in death.

People tend to attach great importance to horoscopes, beliefs and superstitions, you must be very careful: grains such predictions fell on fertile soil, contribute to the loss of control over their existence.

On assurance of some psychics, if voiced aloud one version of the future, it can not be fulfilled exactly. Thus, if one knows the future, we can avoid a fatal situation. Scientists believe that the fate of the other options are not manifested in life are reflected in the parallel worlds and other dimensions.

Tags: consequence, programming, consciousness, divination, suggestion