
 Fineness - a measure of the cross-section of different types of fiber raw material (cotton, wool, etc.). For measurements using special devices in which the material is first weighed and then placed in the cylinder, where the pressure of overtaking, then the device shows the result. For each type of knitted materials classification is determined by the fineness. For example, wool fiber is classified ...
 Fineness - a measure of the cross-section of different types of fiber raw material (cotton, wool, etc.). For measurements using special devices in which the material is first weighed and then placed in the cylinder, where the pressure of overtaking, then the device shows the result. For each type of knitted materials classification is determined by the fineness. For example, the wool fibers are classified as follows: up to 25 m (mikromillimetrov) - fluff, 25, 1-67 microns - Transitions Hair, 40-200 microns (if there is a solid core layer) - spine. In foreign countries, a classification other than the Russian.