
 Badge (fr. Cocarde) - a special accessory opoznovatelny sign pointing to belong to a certain kind of troops, country, party, etc. As a rule, the textiles (at least - made of metal) is collected braid bun or outlet of the tapes, sometimes embroidered logo oval. Badges attached to hats, shoulders, shins and ...
 Badge (fr. Cocarde) - a special accessory opoznovatelny sign pointing to belong to a certain kind of troops, country, party, etc. As a rule, the textiles (at least - made of metal) is collected braid bun or outlet of the tapes, sometimes embroidered logo oval. Badges attached to hats, shoulders, shins, etc. They entered the European fashion in the XVIII century, they first began to use French. In Russia in 1917 badge was abolished and only returned in 1940.