Meaning of the name Valeria

Meaning of the name Valeria
 Meaning of the name comes from the Latin "cheerful", "strong". In the energy sector after Valery crucial role played by the fact that it is the most common among men. But this only adds some charm around the girl's appearance.

In the women's interpretation of the Valeriy traced cheerfulness, confidence in achieving goals. However, there may be a giddiness and unpredictable actions. Since childhood Valeria differs sufficiently skittish nature. She's a good friend, has enough sense of humor, easily excitable, sometimes quick-tempered. True quickly forgets the cause of quarrels and easy to forgive offenders.

Since childhood, she has good health, to parents with respect. Very tenderly caring for pets, providing assistance in the home.

Valeria is a very sensitive and mysterious man, sometimes surprising, as if cheerfulness and mobility in its character wit can get on with sentimentality. A girl can laugh on the film, and a week later, revising it, sobbing. In dealing with people it is difficult to approach. So she chooses balanced range of people with a calm character.

Husband chooses from among mature men. Valerie is important to see him support and encouragement she does not accept lightheadedness, and the ability to think outside the box. This approach to family life does not have it to the thrift. Very rarely, it covers an impulsive rush to restore order in the house, but it rarely happens. Girl loves children and encourages their moods, shows no rigor, appreciates their independence.

Restlessness and excessive activity interfere with Valerie achieve career heights. She will have to choose between family and work. Good girls manifest talents in creativity.

Valerie peculiar active communication, if the person in the conversation takes the initiative, it quickly loses interest in the topic. She needs to be in any company in the leading roles, and this girl manages. It is very interesting narrator can set the tone in communication and will always find an individual approach to each person.

Name day in the Orthodox calendar celebrates on 20 June.

Tags: value Valeria