How to know the number of name

How to know the number of name
 Even the ancients believed that each name affects the destiny of man and nature. That is why there was a science that helps to know the number by which you can choose a partner for marriage, friendship or business. Also on it is possible to determine which gifts are a child or a better deal than him in the future.  
 The calculation of the number of name

To calculate the number of the name must be on a sheet of paper write the letters (with intervals between them) own name. Thus it is better to choose the version of his sound, which you use when meeting or family.

In accordance with a special table of Pythagoras, under each letter fits her number from one to nine. Then all the obtained values ​​are summed together to produce one. If the left digit number, then it is folded to a simple, unambiguous. You can also calculate the value and surname.

What do they mean?

For each characteristic figures its value, and the element type of behavior.

1 - characterized by aggressive behavior and a lot of ambition. Those who have obtained a unit aspire to leadership in everything, but to achieve it must be, above all, to overcome their own laziness.

2 - balance and contrast. With the number of people named "2" is able to adapt to almost any situation. But because of excessive emotionality wish to receive all or nothing, such people often remain unrecognized geniuses.

3 - creative nature. The owner of this number tends to innovation and is considered to be the darling of fortune.

The most industrious are the owners of "4", which are always slowly moving towards the goal and do not rely on the case.

Risky adventurers and lovers of travel are considered to be the owners of the names in the amount of which is obtained by "5".

Whistleblowers and the most conscientious of all those whose sum of the numbers of the name is "six".

Lovers of the mysterious and the unknown are mostly those whose name is added as the number "7", it is considered the most magical in many cultures and religions.

The best entrepreneurs and managers are the owners of "eight", which means a strong will and a strong character.

For "Nine" is characterized by vanity and desire to show-off.

Tags: name, number, amount