
 Young sheep under the age of eight months in the Russian language is called "bright." It is from this word came the name "Poyarkovo" used today in the production of fur and animal husbandry. Under the rules, the term "Poyarkovo" refers to sheepskin only one breed - Romanov. The fur of sheep has a very high down compared with the short ...
 Young sheep under the age of eight months in the Russian language is called "bright." It is from this word came the name "Poyarkovo" used today in the production of fur and animal husbandry. According to the rules, the term "Poyarkovo" refers to sheepskin only one species - the Romanov. The fur of sheep has a very high down compared with a short guard hairs. With this sheepskin has a high heat-shielding properties. Romanov sheep are easily recognized by a special color skins. Light, almost white, feathers and dark guard hairs give the rune dark gray with a bluish tinge.

Poyarkovo sheepskin derived from young animals aged 6-8 months, has never been subjected to shearing. Such skins are very thin elastic membrane, long silky fluff and a thin beard. Second name a sheepskin - "Peter". It is to Petrov Day lambs reached the desired age. In addition to the extraordinary lightness and density "Poyarkovo" sheepskin has a special color. Top is slightly reddish, but when deployed fur becomes visible light fluff. To wear things from Poyarkovo rune like "play" in color from golden to bluish. Made out of sheepskin coat that can weigh as little as three kilograms, but easily withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees. Top quality flesh side has no equal in the world and allows you to carry things from Poyarkovo rune over 10 years without any damage