Fildepers - cotton yarn premium. It is silky to the touch, has a nice shine. Fabric name comes from the French fil de Perse, which translated means "Persian thread." Fildepersom call and yarns obtained from such tissue. At the beginning of the last century did fildepersa underwear, stockings, socks, gloves, but he gradually been supplanted by other materials, in particular, Capron. Some unusual sounding term has led to the fact that he was to have a slang meaning - the word "fildepers" or "fildepersovy" came to mean something special, non-standard and special.
Fildepers - cotton yarn premium. It is silky to the touch, has a nice shine. Fabric name comes from the French fil de Perse, which translated means "Persian thread." Fildepersom call and yarns obtained from such tissue. At the beginning of the last century did fildepersa underwear, stockings, socks, gloves, but gradually he was ...