
 Bicorne (bikorn) - the official male headdress, triangular-shaped hat made of dark felt and suede with two ends. Until the end of the XVIII century men wore three-cornered hats, as well as at balls and receptions were not taken part with their hats, Bicorne it was an excellent replacement: it is easy to fold and its ...
 Bicorne (bikorn) - the official male headdress, triangular-shaped hat made of dark felt and suede with two ends.
Until the end of the XVIII century men wore three-cornered hats, as well as at balls and receptions were not taken part with their hats, Bicorne it was an excellent replacement: it is easy to fold and it was convenient to handle. Bicorne was the official headdress of European and later the Russian military form. Its width, style and Badges pointed army rank.