
 Hat - it's a male or female headdress, retains its shape. Originally hat was to protect the head from rain and sun. However, from the outset, and it served as a decoration. Because the manufacturing process is quite complicated and lengthy, in antiquity hats were mostly members of the upper classes. In most cases consists of a hat ...
 Hat - it's a male or female headdress, retains its shape. Originally hat was to protect the head from rain and sun. However, from the outset, and it served as a decoration. Because the manufacturing process is quite complicated and lengthy, in antiquity hats were mostly members of the upper classes.

In most cases, the crown of a hat and is composed of fields. However, there are other options. For example, in some Asian countries element of folk costume is cone-shaped hat and elegant addition to women's business suit or evening can be a small cap with no margins.

The tradition of decorating hats with ribbons, flowers, feathers, jewels and even stuffed birds and small animals appeared in the Middle Ages. Jewellery testified about the welfare of the owner and master of the art, to produce a headdress.

The height and shape of the crown as well as the width of the fields may be different. The cylinder has a high crown and narrow margins, the field sombrero, on the contrary, must protect the face from the hot southern sun, so they make broad.

Hats are made from a variety of materials. It felt, straw, cotton and linen fabrics. Hats can be knitted. These hats and now decorate with ribbons, sequins, artificial flowers.