
 Odnoryadka - old men and women a narrow swing clothes, like a cloak unlined, ie, single-row. Reached the ankles, sides had long cuts from the hem up sleeves, collar had, could be both direct and stitched at the waist. For tailoring odnoryadok were woolen cloth (zufa, cloth and ...
 Odnoryadka - old men and women a narrow swing clothes, like a cloak unlined, ie, single-row. Reached the ankles, sides had long cuts from the hem up sleeves, collar had, could be both direct and stitched at the waist. For tailoring odnoryadok were woolen cloth (zufa, cloth, etc.), Was used as a decoration lace, stripes, goldwork embroidery and others. During the reign of Feodor III Alexeevich odnoryadki and similar to them in cut ohabni were banned when visiting the Kremlin. Odnoryadki remain in the church vestments, playing the role of his cassock.