
 Garibaldi (garibaldiyka) - blouse, appeared in women's fashion in the middle of the XIX century. It was originally red shirts in imitation of the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi troops (hence the name), but later it began to sew and made of white fabric. This blouse worn instead of the bodice, and was made of merino wool, muslin, silk handkerchief or peak ...
 Garibaldi (garibaldiyka) - blouse, appeared in women's fashion in the middle of the XIX century. It was originally red shirts in imitation of the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi troops (hence the name), but later it began to sew and made of white fabric. This blouse worn instead of the bodice, and was made of merino wool, muslin, silk handkerchief peak or lawn. In Russia garibaldiyka was for women is not just an element of clothing, but also a way to express their advanced views. In particular, most women students wore it. In addition, garibaldiykoy behalf of the small cap borderless embroidered patterns - another item of clothing Giuseppe Garibaldi.