
 Baroque - a style of art: architecture, interior design, painting and music, which appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. It is considered the birthplace of Italy. The basic idea Baroque to reject naturalness, which is associated with ignorance. In contrast to the classicism and rationalism, Baroque rejects simplicity and brevity. For style is characterized by such features as opulence, wealth ...
 Baroque - a style of art: architecture, interior design, painting and music, which appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. It is considered the birthplace of Italy. The basic idea Baroque to reject naturalness, which is associated with ignorance. In contrast to the classicism and rationalism, Baroque rejects simplicity and brevity. For style is characterized by such features as its splendor and wealth of ornaments and patterns, multiple interwoven images. In architecture and interior design is the lack of straight lines, as well as luxury and ornate.

Italian style spread to other areas, getting there own, specific features. Thus, the Spanish Baroque is characterized by an increased tendency to phantasmagoria, Russian baroque features some national characteristics.