
 Cap - is covered with bark spherical growth on the trunk or root of the tree. Mouth guards are small and very large (10-15 cm to 2 m). They are considered waste timber industry, but at the same time are rare and valuable material, which they are made, such as wooden decorations. Burl wood ...
 Cap - is covered with bark spherical growth on the trunk or root of the tree. Mouth guards are small and very large (10-15 cm to 2 m). They are considered waste timber industry, but at the same time are rare and valuable material, which they are made, such as wooden decorations.

Burl wood surprisingly solid and strong, so that the original area of ​​application was purely practical: in the 17th century in Russia of her doing the dishes. However, later they were used to create things that adorn life: expensive trinkets, wooden jewelry.

Capa's not exactly aesthetically pleasing look on the tree, but are a wonderful decorative material and successfully used for furniture and creating household items, jewelry. The secret of beauty hidden under his cap bark - a bizarre intertwining of fibers creates a unique pattern that resembles marble. In industrial production caps are not used, but popular with artists and cabinet wood.