
 Purse - alternative name purse, appeared in France as a result of the merger of two words: «porter» (wear) and «monnaie» (money). More or less modern look purse acquired in the middle of the XVIII century. When there were two departments: for coins and paper money. Depended on the size of the banknotes that have been treated in one way or another ...
 Purse - alternative name purse, appeared in France as a result of the merger of two words: «porter» (wear) and «monnaie» (money). More or less modern look purse acquired in the middle of the XVIII century. When there were two departments: for coins and paper money. Size depended on the banknotes that have been treated in a particular country. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russian merchants were distributed among the "Lopatnikov" - very large purse. Acquired its final shape in the second half of XX century. "Tune" the distribution of electronic cards.