Heraldic colors

Heraldic colors
 This term refers to the color scheme used in the ancient heraldry - art and science of making coats of arms. Approved for use in the coat of arms was 6 infusions: black, green, red and blue paint, 2 metal - silver (white) and gold (yellow). Colorful coats of arms, that is, who had more than two colors, as well as ...
 This term refers to the color scheme used in the ancient heraldry - art and science of making coats of arms. Approved for use in the coat of arms was 6 infusions: black, green, red and blue paint, 2 metal - silver (white) and gold (yellow). Colorful coats of arms, that is, who had more than two colors, and combines both metals once considered false, tournament knight with the coat of arms is not allowed. Later added to paints enamel and enamel, and supplemented by the color purple.

There is also a view that originally existed basic white, black, blue and red colors. Later they added extra: yellow, green and purple. White and yellow are used simultaneously with silver and gold, and then were replaced by metal and disappeared as independent.

In addition, the tincture included a special type of heraldic colors - ermine and squirrel fur.

Tincture, applied to the stamp body, could symbolize the abundance of color (yellow), modesty, education or sorrow (Black), grandeur and beauty (blue or blue), courage (red), hope (green), dignity (purple), wealth and loyalty (gold), innocence (silver), highborn (ermine). But more color in heraldry represents grass, sky, shed blood, etc.